Friday, May 23, 2014


ABC (2007) Water Saving Tips. Retrieved from:

Attiwill, P. & Wilson, B. (2003). Ecology: An Australian Perspective. Oxford: OUP 

CERES Community Environment Park (2014) CERES. Retrieved from:

City of Melbourne (2014) Household Recycling. Retrieved from:

Chadwick, M. (2013) What Does That Eco Button Do? Retrieved from: 

EPA Victoria (2014) Ecological Footprint Calculator. Retrieved from:

Energy Saving Trust (2013) Laundry Tips. Retrieved from:

Forest Stewardship Council Australia (2014) About FSC. Retrieved from:

Green Choices (2010) Environmental Impacts. Retrieved from:

Hunter Water Australia (2014) Water Usage Calculator. Retrieved from:

EDST107 Lecture Week 2

EDST107 Lecture Week 5

EDST107 Lecture Week 7 

EDST107 Lecture Week 9

Travel Smart Sunshine Coast (2012) Benefits of Carpooling. Retrieved from:

UNESCO (2009). Review of contexts and structures for sustainable development 2009. Paris: UNESCO.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Over the past 12 weeks I have seen some fantastic changes in the behaviour and attitude of our household. I was actually really surprised how much improvement I saw on the EPA Eco Footprint Calculator. Our main areas of improvement were recycling and water usage which I spoke about in weeks 4 and 6 of my blog. However, I have been using my car a lot more often, as it is much faster and more convenient when travelling long distances to see my partner. I try and carpool as much as possible which I spoke about in week 7. The most dramatic area of reduction according to the EPA Footprint was mobility which improved because I have been commuting a lot less frequently by train and staying in the local area more often. Our waste remained almost completely the same at around 3.5kg per day.

To support my current lifestyle it now takes 3.4 global hectares of the Earth’s productive area. This is comparatively very impressive to the Victorian average of 6.8 productive hectares.

Services 29% 
Since it has been getting colder we have been using the heating system quite a bit at night time when the house gets cold. Our services went up by 3% over the duration of the semester.

Food 26%
Food habits in the household have really not changed at all. As a household we do not consume much meat at all and try to avoid packaged goods when possible. We shop at the Footscray markets for organic fruit and vegetables as a mentioned in my blog post from week 6 on food. Our food area on the EPA eco footprint rose by 1%.

Shelter 23%
Our shelter percentage rose by 4% on the eco footprint. As I spoke about in my plan, our house is new and fairly economic. When I can financially support myself more I would love to switch to a green energy company and install solar panels (which my parents have in their home in Tasmania).

Mobility 12%
I have started driving quite a lot more and catch the train less as I travel long distances across the city every week and driving is far more time-efficient. I still try and carpool as much as possible on trips such as grocery shopping/op shopping (week 7). I do not completely understand why my mobility dropped from 24% to 12%, but I think it is because I have been commuting a lot less than I was at the start of the year, even if I do drive the car when I commute.

Goods 10%
We have been doing a lot more second hand op-shopping for any household essentials we might need (week 5). Our goods footprint rose by 1%.

Overall I am really pleased with the outcome of the challenge and feel really proud that I was able to make such considerable sustainable changes to my lifestyle. Hopefully this blog will be helpful for others to read and make some of the same changes in their own lifestyles.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Week 7


Showers: 23
Dishwasher cycles: 8 (on eco setting)
Washing machine: 6 (on eco setting, using cold water)
Lights on at night: approx. 15
Bins of rubbish: 6 (small bin)
Meat products bought: 2
Bins of recycling: 1/2 (large bin)

I try and carpool wherever possible, and whenever we go grocery shopping as a household we all make the trip together to save time and fuel. Carpooling means less cars on the road, which means less traffic congestion, less greenhouse gas emissions, less pollution, less consumption of resources, and less noise. (Travel Smart, 2012)
Here is a picture of us carpooling to the Footscray market yesterday to buy fresh, organically grown produce!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Week 6

Water Saving

Showers: 21
Dishwasher cycles: 5 (on eco setting)
Washing machine: 3 (on eco setting, using cold water)
Lights on at night: approx. 16
Bins of rubbish: 5 (small bin)
Meat products bought: 1
Bins of recycling: 1/2 (large bin)

This week we all cut down our shower time to around 6 minutes from an approximate 10. We also cut down our dishwasher and washing machine cycles by only starting the appliances when they were full. We used the Hunter Water Calculator online to determine how much water we use in every part of the house in the original plan and hopefully by week 12 will be able to see some pleasing results, especially in the bathroom areas.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 5

Second Hand Shopping

Showers: 21
Dishwasher cycles: 7 (on eco setting)
Washing machine: 3 (on eco setting, using cold water)
Lights on at night: approx. 18
Bins of rubbish: 6 (small bin)
Meat products bought: 3
Bins of recycling: 3/4 (large bin)

I have been shopping at second hand clothing stores for years and have encouraged my housemates to do the same. This week we had a huge shop for various household utensils and clothes at Savers store in Footscray and came back with many low-cost quality items.

Second hand shopping cuts down on manufacturing demands and keeps more items out of the landfill. Because a large amount of man-made goods are routinely thrown away, re-using gives a longer life to common household items another family could use. (True Activist, 2013)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Yesterday I visited CERES Community Environment Park in East Brunswick. CERES’ aim is to promote and demonstrate working practices that focus on the reduction of organic and inorganic waste, consumption of fossil fuels, the use of town water and the improvement of biodiversity through green technology, and innovative design. The site embodies environmentally sustainable design principles which are working demonstrations, or experimental demonstrations, aiming to support cutting edge initiatives. Some of the demonstrations that fall under the category of experimental, are the electric vehicle conversion program, aquaponics, and biogas plant. These are all ongoing research projects which I have gone into more detail below.

The bike kitchen
Education Programs
CERES’ belief is that education lies at the heart of change and encourages and promotes awareness of sustainable measures through educational programs directed at both children and adults. CERES has become one of the biggest sustainability education providers in Victoria. School aged children can come on excursions around the site to learn about how they can live sustainably at home and what environmental problems we have to tackle now, and in the future. As a future educator, I think programs like these are incredibly important and educating children on the crucial importance of sustainable living while they are young is the only way that the required changes in our attitude and behaviour can be achieved.

Organic produce being grown

Reed bed water catchment
At CERES an aquaponics system is part of a project that aims to integrate aquaponics into urban farming that will provide communities with sustainable means to grow cost-efficient, organic produce. Aquaponics works through a system of pipes that pump and circulate waste water from a freshwater fish tank to water-filled garden beds. The waste water is rich in nutrients from the fish waste so their is no need for fossil fuel based fertilisers. The aquaponics system at CERES is constructed of sustainably sourced, and recycled materials.   

 Mud brick oven (I built one just like this in primary school)

Book loan room (constructed from mud brick) 

Having lunch at the CERES cafe

The organic market

Solar Electric Vehicle Charge Station
The solar electric vehicle charge station is the third charge station in Australia of its kind. It was completed in 2012. The solar panels are angled to maximise the sun’s rays which turn into solar power. The station works through a ChargePoint which is compatible with all standard electric vehicles on the market today. It takes about 5 hours to fully charge from flat but costs a mere $3 to travel around 100km which seems tiny in comparison to the equivalent petrol price of $15-$17 which I would pay in my relatively economic car now. 

Solar panels and rainwater tank

Solar panels 

Some of the buildings that I saw at CERES included:

The Learning Centre 
This building incorporates sustainable design features such as double glazed windows, and a double insulated ceiling. All timber in the building is Forest Stewardship Council certified, or recycled, and the paints used are low in toxic Volatile Organic Compounds which are extremely harmful to the environment. Water efficiency is managed through tank to toilet flushing, and waste water from the hand basins is fed back into toilet cisterns.

Van Raay Centre
The Van Raay Centre demonstrates some of the best sustainable practices through environmentally friendly design and construction. These include, sustainable transport due to its central location and accessibility to public transport and walking and cycling tracks, use of natural new building materials such as hemp and wood, recycling and reuse of materials, fantastic energy efficiency through working with environmental and energy consultants to meet greenhouse gas targets outlines for the buildings, passive solar design which maximises the sun’s warmth, light and ventilation and cuts out any need for cooling/heating systems. Efficient water usage is achieved through water efficient fittings and fixtures, grey water management systems, rainwater collection, landscape irrigation, and stormwater management through a reed bed retention and treatment system for the water run-off from the car park and general site. Lighting is limited as rooms and offices make use of natural light, and environmentally friendly landscape design makes use of passive heating and cooling principles as well as being sensitive to ecological and cultural features of the area.

Talking to the staff, in particular Sarah who worked at the reception desk was extremely inspiring. She was very helpful and gave me lots of information sheets which is where I sourced the information on CERES as well as exploring the site in person. I plan to go back to the organic market when it is open and buy some fresh produce and free range eggs for our household.
Me giving Hazel the free range laying chook a cuddle!

(All the information on CERES was retrieved from the website, and information brochures from the site).

Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 4


Showers: 19
Dishwasher cycles: 7 (on eco setting)
Washing machine: 9 (on eco setting, using cold water)
Lights on at night: approx. 14
Bins of rubbish: 5 (small bin)
Meat products bought: 0
Bins of recycling: 1/2 (large bin)

This week I bought a recycling container to keep next to the inside bin which will make it easier to sort recyclables from landfill rubbish. We can then transfer the box into the big recycling bin outside. We have been through about 2 full boxes of recycling this week. Everyone is making a big effort to sort our rubbish into organic, recyclable and landfill.

You can put the following things in your recycling bin:

  • paper and cardboard
  • aluminium and steel cans
  • empty aerosol cans
  • all hard plastic containers
  • glass bottles and jars
  • milk and juice cartons
  • pizza boxes
  • aluminium foil and trays
  • rigid household plastic items like kitchen storage containers and plastic toys
  • steel pots and pans (no glass lids)
(City of Melbourne, Recycling, 2014)

The commercial waste sent to landfill from 2008-2009 in Victoria was 98,000 tonnes. This is almost half the total waste sent to landfill.
30-40% of this waste was recyclable and should not have gone to landfill.
10-20% of this waste was organic.
40-50% of this waste was low cost, high energy materials ideal for energy generation.
The remainder was not easily recoverable and goes into landfill. (EPA, 2014)

This is the recyclables box.